Jule Berry

Frontend Software Engineer

Jule Berry's freeCodeCamp Responsive Web Design Completion Certificate Jule Berry's Per Scholas Women in Software Engineering Program Completion Certificate

About Me

Hello, my name is Jule Berry and I'm based in Leesburg, Virginia, part of the Washington, DC metropolitan area.

The recent pandemic had a significant impact on my cosmetology career, prompting me to pursue a future in software engineering, which has always been a passion of mine. As a lifelong learner, I'm always seeking out opportunities to expand my knowledge and skills. I enrolled in a full-stack software engineering immersive program to gain valuable knowledge in JavaScript and develop projects with MongoDB, Express, React, and Node (collectively known as "the MERN stack"). I'm eager to challenge myself with a few new languages and frameworks soon and discover new problems to solve with code. In my free time, I enjoy bowling, cooking, genealogy research, and watching TV dramas. I'm also looking for opportunities to become a more active member of the tech community in the Washington DC area and attend networking events to connect with like-minded professionals.

I am always open to new connections and networking opportunities, so please feel free to connect via LinkedIn and my other social accounts to learn more about my skills and experience. .
I am open to new roles and opportunities. Please feel free to view my resume to see if I can be an asset to your needs.


I will continue updating this area as I complete projects.
Please take time a moment explore my GitHub to see what I'm currently working on.

JService Quiz Trivia App Project Tile

Jeo Quiz App

A trivia app created with the JService API. Generate a random question, reveal answers & keep score to keep your brain sharp.

App | Code

Promotional Email Project Tiles

Promotional Email

Inspired by promotional emails from a popular online retailer of women's clothing and accessories. Easily customizable for your needs.

App | Code

Customer Feedback Form Project Tile

Customer Feedback Form

A great website addition to acquire feedback in attempts to address any customer concerns before permanent social media reviews.

App | Code

Jule Berry Portfolio mockup image


Current version of
this portfolio site.

App | Code